Popup & Lightbox

Adjust your popup gallery settings to enhance the viewing experience of your portfolio items.


  • Vendor Script – popup gallery script (PhotoSwipe or Fancybox)
  • Lightbox for WordPress Images – enable popup for all WordPress images and galleries (not only for Visual Portfolio galleries).

  • Deep Linking Pro – makes URL automatically change when you open popup and you can easily link to specific popup image.
  • Use Deep Linking URL to Share Images Pro – check to share Deep Linking URLs when sharing images. When disabled, all galleries will share direct links to image files.
  • Loop Pro – check to enable loop image gallery.
  • Click to Zoom – allows you to disable the default possibility to zoom when you click on the image.
  • Restore Focus – restore focus on the last active item after Popup is closed.

UI Elements

  • Display Arrows – arrows to navigate between images.
  • Display Images Counter – if you enable this option, an image counter will be shown.
  • Display Zoom Button
  • Display Fullscreen Button
  • Display Share Button
  • Display Close Button
  • Display Thumbnails
  • Thumbnails Opened At Startup Pro
  • Thumbnails Position Pro
  • Display Download Button
  • Display Slideshow

Quick View

Pro Feature

This is a part of the Visual Portfolio Pro plugin.
Purchase the Pro plugin to access this and other advanced features.

  • Internal Links – select where to open internal links, displayed inside the Quick View frame
  • External Links – select where to open external links, displayed inside the Quick View frame
  • Custom CSS – when you display pages in a popup iframe, you may not need some page elements like a header and footer. Hide it using custom CSS with classname .vp-popup-iframe.


  • Background Color – Popup gallery background color
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