Table of Contents
The Emerge effect adds an appearing caption on hover. If there is no caption, it adds a placeholder for it.

Normal State
- Border Radius
- Transform Pro
- Filter Pro – Instagram-like image filter

Hover State
Pro Feature
This is a part of the Visual Portfolio Pro plugin.
Purchase the Pro plugin to access this and other advanced features.
- Border Radius
- Transform
- Filter – Instagram-like image filter
- Tilt Effect
- Tilt Effect Direction

- Display – select when to display overlay – hover state, normal state, or always.

- Background
- Blend Mode Pro

Pro Feature
This is a part of the Visual Portfolio Pro plugin.
Purchase the Pro plugin to access this and other advanced features.
- Border Radius
- Margin

- Text Align
- Move Overlay Under Image Pro – a useful option for mobile devices when hovering over items isn’t possible. The overlay will always be displayed without interaction.

- Display Title
- Title Tag: Select the HTML tag for the title (e.g., h1, h2, etc.).
- Display Categories
- Categories Count: Set the maximum number of categories to display.
- Display Date
- Display Author
- Display Views (available for Posts only)
- Display Reading Time (available for Posts only)
- Display Excerpt
- Excerpt words count: Set the number of words shown from the excerpt.

- Background
- Text
- Links
- Links Hover
- Blend Mode Pro

Pro Feature
This is a part of the Visual Portfolio Pro plugin.
Purchase the Pro plugin to access this and other advanced features.
- Title
- Category
- Meta
- Description

Pro Feature
This is a part of the Visual Portfolio Pro plugin.
Purchase the Pro plugin to access this and other advanced features.
- Padding
- Items Gap
- Skew Size