Migration to v3

Visual Portfolio 3.0 is a major version and includes some substantial Skin template changes. Before you upgrade to v3.0, please make sure you backup your site. Before upgrading to production, we recommend testing the new version on a staging site.

Automatic merge

For most galleries, you just need to open the page editor (if you are using the Gutenberg block) and re-save your post. Saved Layouts are already merged, but you can also try to re-save them.

New gallery features will be automatically merged with your gallery.

Visual Portfolio Pro

If you are using the Visual Portfolio Pro plugin, it should be updated to v2 to work with new features.

Custom styles or code

In case you have added custom styles for Caption or for Meta elements, you will need to rewrite it. In v3.0 we changed classes and variable names and split the Caption → Overlay + Caption.

3rd-party Skins

In case your theme or 3rd-party plugin adds custom Skins and uses builtin_controls, the author of this theme/plugin should change these configs.

To understand how these settings changed, look at the Classic Skin controls for example – https://github.com/nk-crew/visual-portfolio/blob/3663e3c80ba35f54abd359e2ce65c3a78659b256/classes/class-admin.php#L923-L991

There are fallbacks for old builtin_controls configs and it will not break, but consider changing it, as in future major releases (v4 or later) these fallbacks will be removed

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