Installing Visual Portfolio plugin

Installing Visual Portfolio is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to get started with creating stunning portfolio galleries on your WordPress site.

Method 1: Install via WordPress Plugin Directory

  1. Go to Admin Menu → Plugins → Add New.
  2. Enter “Visual Portfolio” in the search field.
  3. Look for the Visual Portfolio plugin in the list of available plugins.
  4. Click on the Install Now button next to Visual Portfolio.
  5. After installation, click Activate.

Method 2: Install via Downloaded File

  1. Download the plugin here:
  2. Go to Admin Menu → Plugins → Add New.
  3. Click on the Upload Plugin button at the top of the page.
  4. Select the downloaded file, and click on the Install Now button.

Activate the plugin

After the plugin is installed:

  • Click on the Activate button immediately after installation.
  • Alternatively, navigate to Admin Menu → Plugins and click on the Activate button next to Visual Portfolio plugin.

Verifying Installation

To ensure Visual Portfolio is correctly installed and activated:

  1. Check your WordPress admin menu for a new item labeled “Visual Portfolio”.
  2. Go to Admin Menu → Visual Portfolio → Settings to access the plugin’s configuration options.

Next Steps

Now that Visual Portfolio is installed and activated, you’re ready to start creating beautiful galleries:

  1. Create your first project by going to Visual Portfolio → Projects → Add New.
  2. Explore the Visual Portfolio block in the WordPress editor to add galleries to your pages.
  3. Check out our Quick Start guide for more detailed instructions on creating your first portfolio.
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