

Demo with watermarks you can find here –

Add your logo on top of your images to make them harder to steal.

Don’t forget to add settings and watermarks to images

Password Protection

Demo with a password-protected gallery you can find here –

Add a password to gallery blocks and send it to your clients.

Age Gate Protection

Demo with age gate protection you can find here –

Protect visitors from viewing adult content.

Right Click Protection

Demo with right-click protection you can find here –

Add right-click protection to images to prevent images from downloading.

This is not an effective way to protect your photos

First, this is a bad thing to do because it breaks basic functionality that people are used to having access to (eg. right-clicking a link and opening it in a new tab).

Most photographers demand it because they think it prevents people from downloading collection images to their hard drives. While it might deter clients who are not tech-savvy, it is not effective protection. Image links can always be accessed by looking at the source code; therefore, images can be accessed directly – and saved.

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